{% extends '@App/uibase/subbase/about-base.html.twig' %} {% block content_header %}ABOUT US: COMPANY HISTORY{% endblock %} {% block content %}

The History of ColorPro Printing

Only the Beginning...

ColorPro Printing is a 18-year-old privately held printing company based in Colorado. We have enjoyed continuous growth which has allowed us to continue adding state-of-the-art printing presses and processes.

Originally started in a garage in 1999 with one press operator, ColorPro now employs a large, knowledgeable staff working a variety of presses and bindery equipment.

During 2007 and 2008, ColorPro continued to grow and enjoy success. Due to this success, ColorPro outgrew its former location on Riverside Avenue and moved to its new, more spacious and more convenient location on Mulberry Street in September 2009.

2010 brought more exciting changes to ColorPro with new equipment such as a creasing machine, new digital presses and a new and much improved website and ordering system.

In 2011, we created a custom pricing calculator to give you live and instant prices on most of our printed products. Our website continues to expand, as well as our service area. We are happy to welcome our clients from all over Colorado and the Midwest!

In 2012 we expanded our website to help our out-of-state customers order printing online. With all of our expansion and growth, we still pride ourselves on only being a phone call away!

in 2014 we launched our B2B Print Portal Application offering online design of corporate branded materials for use inside large organizations.

in 2017 we launched our new website that uses an advanced pricing algorythm. The new site also brings some of our B2B online designer technology to the retail market.

Continue to watch ColorPro and see what comes next……

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