#!/usr/bin/env node /* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ const { NON_COMPILATION_ARGS } = require("./utils/constants"); (function() { // wrap in IIFE to be able to use return const importLocal = require("import-local"); // Prefer the local installation of webpack-cli if (importLocal(__filename)) { return; } require("v8-compile-cache"); const ErrorHelpers = require("./utils/errorHelpers"); const NON_COMPILATION_CMD = process.argv.find(arg => { if (arg === "serve") { global.process.argv = global.process.argv.filter(a => a !== "serve"); process.argv = global.process.argv; } return NON_COMPILATION_ARGS.find(a => a === arg); }); if (NON_COMPILATION_CMD) { return require("./utils/prompt-command")(NON_COMPILATION_CMD, ...process.argv); } const yargs = require("yargs").usage(`webpack-cli ${require("../package.json").version} Usage: webpack-cli [options] webpack-cli [options] --entry --output webpack-cli [options] --output webpack-cli [options] For more information, see https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/.`); require("./config/config-yargs")(yargs); // yargs will terminate the process early when the user uses help or version. // This causes large help outputs to be cut short (https://github.com/nodejs/node/wiki/API-changes-between-v0.10-and-v4#process). // To prevent this we use the yargs.parse API and exit the process normally yargs.parse(process.argv.slice(2), (err, argv, output) => { Error.stackTraceLimit = 30; // arguments validation failed if (err && output) { console.error(output); process.exitCode = 1; return; } // help or version info if (output) { console.log(output); return; } if (argv.verbose) { argv["display"] = "verbose"; } let options; try { options = require("./utils/convert-argv")(argv); } catch (err) { if (err.code === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") { const moduleName = err.message.split("'")[1]; let instructions = ""; let errorMessage = ""; if (moduleName === "webpack") { errorMessage = `\n${moduleName} not installed`; instructions = `Install webpack to start bundling: \u001b[32m\n $ npm install --save-dev ${moduleName}\n`; if (process.env.npm_execpath !== undefined && process.env.npm_execpath.includes("yarn")) { instructions = `Install webpack to start bundling: \u001b[32m\n $ yarn add ${moduleName} --dev\n`; } Error.stackTraceLimit = 1; console.error(`${errorMessage}\n\n${instructions}`); process.exitCode = 1; return; } } if (err.name !== "ValidationError") { throw err; } const stack = ErrorHelpers.cleanUpWebpackOptions(err.stack, err.message); const message = err.message + "\n" + stack; if (argv.color) { console.error(`\u001b[1m\u001b[31m${message}\u001b[39m\u001b[22m`); } else { console.error(message); } process.exitCode = 1; return; } /** * When --silent flag is present, an object with a no-op write method is * used in place of process.stout */ const stdout = argv.silent ? { write: () => {} } : process.stdout; function ifArg(name, fn, init) { if (Array.isArray(argv[name])) { if (init) init(); argv[name].forEach(fn); } else if (typeof argv[name] !== "undefined") { if (init) init(); fn(argv[name], -1); } } function processOptions(options) { // process Promise if (typeof options.then === "function") { options.then(processOptions).catch(function(err) { console.error(err.stack || err); // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit process.exit(1); }); return; } const firstOptions = [].concat(options)[0]; const statsPresetToOptions = require("webpack").Stats.presetToOptions; let outputOptions = options.stats; if (typeof outputOptions === "boolean" || typeof outputOptions === "string") { outputOptions = statsPresetToOptions(outputOptions); } else if (!outputOptions) { outputOptions = {}; } ifArg("display", function(preset) { outputOptions = statsPresetToOptions(preset); }); outputOptions = Object.create(outputOptions); if (Array.isArray(options) && !outputOptions.children) { outputOptions.children = options.map(o => o.stats); } if (typeof outputOptions.context === "undefined") outputOptions.context = firstOptions.context; ifArg("env", function(value) { if (outputOptions.env) { outputOptions._env = value; } }); ifArg("json", function(bool) { if (bool) { outputOptions.json = bool; outputOptions.modules = bool; } }); if (typeof outputOptions.colors === "undefined") outputOptions.colors = require("supports-color").stdout; ifArg("sort-modules-by", function(value) { outputOptions.modulesSort = value; }); ifArg("sort-chunks-by", function(value) { outputOptions.chunksSort = value; }); ifArg("sort-assets-by", function(value) { outputOptions.assetsSort = value; }); ifArg("display-exclude", function(value) { outputOptions.exclude = value; }); if (!outputOptions.json) { if (typeof outputOptions.cached === "undefined") outputOptions.cached = false; if (typeof outputOptions.cachedAssets === "undefined") outputOptions.cachedAssets = false; ifArg("display-chunks", function(bool) { if (bool) { outputOptions.modules = false; outputOptions.chunks = true; outputOptions.chunkModules = true; } }); ifArg("display-entrypoints", function(bool) { outputOptions.entrypoints = bool; }); ifArg("display-reasons", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.reasons = true; }); ifArg("display-depth", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.depth = true; }); ifArg("display-used-exports", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.usedExports = true; }); ifArg("display-provided-exports", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.providedExports = true; }); ifArg("display-optimization-bailout", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.optimizationBailout = bool; }); ifArg("display-error-details", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.errorDetails = true; }); ifArg("display-origins", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.chunkOrigins = true; }); ifArg("display-max-modules", function(value) { outputOptions.maxModules = +value; }); ifArg("display-cached", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.cached = true; }); ifArg("display-cached-assets", function(bool) { if (bool) outputOptions.cachedAssets = true; }); if (!outputOptions.exclude) outputOptions.exclude = ["node_modules", "bower_components", "components"]; if (argv["display-modules"]) { outputOptions.maxModules = Infinity; outputOptions.exclude = undefined; outputOptions.modules = true; } } ifArg("hide-modules", function(bool) { if (bool) { outputOptions.modules = false; outputOptions.chunkModules = false; } }); ifArg("info-verbosity", function(value) { outputOptions.infoVerbosity = value; }); ifArg("build-delimiter", function(value) { outputOptions.buildDelimiter = value; }); const webpack = require("webpack"); let lastHash = null; let compiler; try { compiler = webpack(options); } catch (err) { if (err.name === "WebpackOptionsValidationError") { if (argv.color) console.error(`\u001b[1m\u001b[31m${err.message}\u001b[39m\u001b[22m`); else console.error(err.message); // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit process.exit(1); } throw err; } if (argv.progress) { const ProgressPlugin = require("webpack").ProgressPlugin; new ProgressPlugin({ profile: argv.profile }).apply(compiler); } if (outputOptions.infoVerbosity === "verbose") { if (argv.w) { compiler.hooks.watchRun.tap("WebpackInfo", compilation => { const compilationName = compilation.name ? compilation.name : ""; console.error("\nCompilation " + compilationName + " starting…\n"); }); } else { compiler.hooks.beforeRun.tap("WebpackInfo", compilation => { const compilationName = compilation.name ? compilation.name : ""; console.error("\nCompilation " + compilationName + " starting…\n"); }); } compiler.hooks.done.tap("WebpackInfo", compilation => { const compilationName = compilation.name ? compilation.name : ""; console.error("\nCompilation " + compilationName + " finished\n"); }); } function compilerCallback(err, stats) { if (!options.watch || err) { // Do not keep cache anymore compiler.purgeInputFileSystem(); } if (err) { lastHash = null; console.error(err.stack || err); if (err.details) console.error(err.details); process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line } if (outputOptions.json) { stdout.write(JSON.stringify(stats.toJson(outputOptions), null, 2) + "\n"); } else if (stats.hash !== lastHash) { lastHash = stats.hash; if (stats.compilation && stats.compilation.errors.length !== 0) { const errors = stats.compilation.errors; if (errors[0].name === "EntryModuleNotFoundError") { console.error("\n\u001b[1m\u001b[31mInsufficient number of arguments or no entry found."); console.error( "\u001b[1m\u001b[31mAlternatively, run 'webpack(-cli) --help' for usage info.\u001b[39m\u001b[22m\n" ); } } const statsString = stats.toString(outputOptions); const delimiter = outputOptions.buildDelimiter ? `${outputOptions.buildDelimiter}\n` : ""; if (statsString) stdout.write(`${statsString}\n${delimiter}`); } if (!options.watch && stats.hasErrors()) { process.exitCode = 2; } } if (firstOptions.watch || options.watch) { const watchOptions = firstOptions.watchOptions || options.watchOptions || firstOptions.watch || options.watch || {}; if (watchOptions.stdin) { process.stdin.on("end", function(_) { process.exit(); // eslint-disable-line }); process.stdin.resume(); } compiler.watch(watchOptions, compilerCallback); if (outputOptions.infoVerbosity !== "none") console.error("\nwebpack is watching the files…\n"); } else { compiler.run((err, stats) => { if (compiler.close) { compiler.close(err2 => { compilerCallback(err || err2, stats); }); } else { compilerCallback(err, stats); } }); } } processOptions(options); }); })();